
Alliance for a healthier generation healthy food campaign
Alliance for a healthier generation healthy food campaign

alliance for a healthier generation healthy food campaign

A student-led marketing campaign is conducted to encourage students to eat school breakfast. School policies are changed to allow students to eat school breakfast in the hallways or classrooms. In this intervention, a school breakfast team, made up of students, school food service, administration, teachers, and other key staff is formed to design and implement a grab-and-go breakfast outside the traditional cafeteria setting.

alliance for a healthier generation healthy food campaign

Project breakFAST is a Policy, Systems, and Environmental Change intervention designed to increase high school breakfast participation. Intervention Type: All: Direct Education, Social Marketing, PSE Change Project breakFAST (Fueling Academics and Strengthening Teens) Target Behavior: Healthy Eating, Physical Activity and Reducing Screen Time, Other: preventing type 2 Diabetes Not Our Destiny (is a complementary intergenerational social marketing campaign that is asset-based and shares stories of health from Native Americans who engage in healthful activities. Students participate in hands-on activities and food experiences in each of the lessons.ĮA includes the following social marketing components: school and radio announcements, newspaper messages, place-based signage, and social media components to extend healthful messages beyond the classroom to community settings. Students in grades 1-3 are introduced to the program through the EA play, which embraces traditions of Native American storytelling. Throughout the program, youth and their families learn that type 2 diabetes can be prevented through healthful dietary and physical activity (PA) choices.

alliance for a healthier generation healthy food campaign

Eagle, Miss Rabbit and a clever trickster, Coyote, engage Rain That Dances and his young friends in the joy of being physically active, eating healthy foods and learning from their elders about traditional ways of being healthy.


Through this series of four books, wise animal characters are brought to life. EA was developed using the CDC Eagle Book series as the central theme. The Eagle Adventure (EA) was designed to address the need for culturally relevant SNAP-Ed programming to prevent type 2 diabetes in Indian Country. Intervention Type: PSE Change Eagle Adventure Target Behavior: Healthy Eating, Physical Activity The sixth step addresses program recognition by celebrating schools’ success through Healthier Generation’s national recognition program. Schools document their need and readiness for change in step two by completing the TSIA. Healthier Generation facilitates the development of partnerships during step one and provides support to schools to implement evidence-based policies and practices related to nutrition and PA. H ealthier Generation leads school and district staff through the following 6 – step continuous improvement process: 1) convene a School or District Wellness Committee, 2) assess the school health environment using the Thriving Schools Integrated Assessment (TSIA), 3) develop an action plan tailored to school or district priorities based on what is important and achievable, 4) explore Healthier Generation resources and tools, 5) take action to implement the plan and achieve school or district goals 6) celebrate success and monitor progress. Healthier Generation is a PSE intervention designed to create healthier school environments for students and staff. It is among the nation’s largest school-based p rograms improving whole child health, addressing multiple factors that lead to inadequate health and life outcomes – from physical activity (PA) and nutrition to social and emotional health and tobacco/vaping prevention. The Alliance for a Healthier Generation (Healthier Generation) supports school and district leaders in creating and sustaining healthy schools where students – especially those from underserved communities – can thrive.

Alliance for a healthier generation healthy food campaign